How an Iowa cattle producer enhanced his feeding routine with the HF400 feed wagon
February 2024
In Leighton, Iowa, Bruce Debruin continues the legacy of his great-great-grandfather and farms in the same area as he did in the 1870’s. For the past 38 years, Bruce has farmed alongside his wife raising Angus cow-calf pairs. Debruin was seeking ways to enhance his feeding practices on his operation and after operating the Vermeer HF400 feed wagon he was pleased with its performance.
“First time I ran the machine I thought we should have had one before. It was fun. It was a joy to operate,” said Debruin.
Weighing in for success
After a year of use, Debruin has witnessed the transformative benefits that the Vermeer HF400 feed wagon has added to their operation — one of the most significant being improved ration consistency thanks to the scales his machine is equipped with — an optional feature of Vermeer feed wagons .
Before operating the HF400, Debruin faced challenges in daily feed ingredient consistency on his farm. Without scales, they had to estimate the quantity of feed, leading to uncertainties in each load.
“We were a little lost on what kind of ration we were actually bringing our cows,” recalled Debruin. With the switch to the HF400, everything changed. “The scale gave us the confidence that each load the cows were getting fed matched more of what their diet was supposed to be.”
Colin Herbold, a sales representative from Belzer Equipment Inc. in Albia, IA, highlights the significance of the HF400’s optional scale feature. “It gives you the chance to monitor your ration size and how you’re mixing your feed,” he explains. The scales provide versatility, allowing farmers to monitor and adjust feed quantities for different stages of livestock growth, ensuring that each load meets the dietary needs of the livestock.
"The scale gave us the confidence that each load the cows were getting fed matched more of what their diet was supposed to be."
Efficiency in action
The Vermeer HF400 feed wagon has been a game changer for Debruin’s operation. Debruin noted that he even believes that he has more time in his day to focus on other things because of the feed wagon.
“The machine has benefited us simply by the ease of handling it, and its maneuverability. It is just so easy to get around,” Debruin explains.
“Having a hydraulically driven machine gives you the advantage of being able to maneuver without having a drive shaft,” Herbold explains. “If you are making tighter corners, maneuvering around a pasture, or along fence line bunks, it makes it easy to navigate.”
Another key benefit Debruin has found in his HF400 is its dependability. “When we go out to feed, it just works; there is no adjusting in preparation. You just get in and go,” he attests.
The simplicity of operating the Vermeer HF400 Feed Wagon and its reliability have contributed to the success of increased feed efficiency in Debruin’s operation.
Equipped to Do More™
Debruin emphasizes the importance of choosing a brand he can trust. “We wanted to be more efficient with our feeding, so we decided to look for something with scales that is easy to use, easy to operate, easy to maintain, and is very durable,” he explains.
Vermeer was a brand that checked all those boxes and more for Debruin.
With great support from Debruin’s local dealer and his previous positive experiences with other Vermeer equipment, his trust in the brand is beyond solidified.
Empowered by this trust, Debruin confidently chooses to do more with the HF400 feed wagon — a decision that proved to be the durable and reliable solution they were seeking every day.
This article was written by Kesley Holdgrafer for Makin’ Hay.
Information noted above was gathered from a third party who was advised his/her experience might be featured in marketing materials. This article contains third-party observations, advice or experiences that do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Vermeer Corporation, its affiliates or its dealers. Individual results may vary based on care and operation of machine and crop and field conditions, which may adversely affect performance.
Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in product engineering, design and specifications; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing or distribution at any time without notice or obligation. Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components specific to their global region. Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications.
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