Vermeer recently launched its new mower conditioner, with take-home availability beginning in early 2025. But ahead of the public release, select pilot users tested out this forage product from Vermeer.

Available in four model sizes, the Vermeer mower conditioner was engineered to provide superior cut quality and hasten dry-down times for various crops. It features a Q3® cutter bar, a 2-point Quick Hitch for simple hookup, options for steel and rubber rollers and comes backed by 3-year cutter bar coverage.

How did the new Vermeer mower conditioner perform in the field? Let’s hear from pilot users.

Vermeer mower conditioner first impressions: Cut quality

The Vermeer mower conditioner has numerous features to help ensure consistent cut quality in various field types.

A hydraulic suspension allows operators to adjust pressure based on field conditions. They can also adjust the hydraulic pitch and tilt adjustment on the Q3 cutter bar to maximize their yield.

Rudy Zimmerer, Texas cattleman

Rudy Zimmerer raises about 150 mother cows on the Texas farmland his grandfather purchased in 1942. One of the standout benefits for Zimmerer was the cut quality and unfussy operation.

“Cuts really good. I like the conditioning. I like the rolls where you can set the conditioning rolls very close. I’ve had the other cutters where if you got the roll set too close, it would just sound like you were beating the machine. The Vermeer runs quiet.”


Jeff Monk, branch owner of McLehaney Equipment Company

Jeff Monk has operated Vermeer equipment for three decades and became a branch owner of McLehaney Equipment Company in Rison, Arkansas in 2020. He also runs a cow-calf operation on 600 acres where he puts up about 3,000 round bales of mixed grasses annually.

“The cut quality is very consistent. And I’ve ran along beside our competition, and there’s a noticeable difference in the cut quality.”

“I’ve been around the hydraulic suspension system ever since I’ve been a dealer. And the hydraulic suspension system is a game-changer in the field, because we can dial in our ground conditions and kind of tweak that cut quality. And it’s really made a big difference, and you can see it. Running along right beside the competition, we can see a huge difference and I think that goes back to the hydraulic suspension system.”


Vermeer mower conditioner first impressions: Maximizing efficiency

Timing is everything for hay producers, and the Vermeer mower conditioner was engineered for efficiency before, during and after mowing. A 2-point Quick Hitch makes hook-up a one-person job and the hydraulic suspension, cutter bar and conditioner rollers help ensure cut quality and hasten dry down times.


Rudy Zimmerer

“A lot of our fields are not where we can run at a high speed. I’ve had several fields though, where I could finally push it and run eight, eight and a half miles an hour.”


Jeff Monk

“I’ve actually shown this mower to some customers and actually demoed this mower for some customers. And we’ve run it right along beside the competition, where we just had a regular trail mower versus a mower conditioner. And the dry down time was really good. We could get in the field, a lot of these fields that we’ve cut early, we’ve been able to cut one day and bale the next, with a 12% to 15% moisture in our bale.”

“As a customer, whenever they come into our dealership and they’re undecided about the brand of mower that they want to purchase, after I show them the Quick Hitch system, show them the Quick-Change blades and our features on our mowers, most of the time they’re going to leave with a yellow (Vermeer) mower.”


To inquire about purchasing a Vermeer mower conditioner, contact your local Vermeer dealer today.


Information noted above was gathered from a third party who was advised his/her experience might be featured in marketing materials. This article contains third-party observations, advice or experiences that do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Vermeer Corporation, its affiliates or its dealers. Individual results may vary based on care and operation of machine and crop and field conditions, which may adversely affect performance.

Disclaimer (paste appropriate disclaimer using body copy format): Vermeer Corporation reserves the right to make changes in engineering, design and specifications; add improvements; or discontinue manufacturing at any time without notice or obligation.

Equipment shown is for illustrative purposes only and may display optional accessories or components specific to their global region.

Please contact your local Vermeer dealer for more information on machine specifications.

Vermeer, the Vermeer logo, Q3 and Quick-Change are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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