Vermeer VSR vertical mixers: Customers share insights of innovative feeding solution
March 2025
Vermeer VSR single-screw vertical mixers combine smart design with low maintenance for practical full-time or seasonal use.
Processing ability? VSR vertical mixers chew through high-roughage rations, including full bales or preprocessed material, in a timely and flexible manner.
Spillage? Our tub-and-screw design and bale containment kit minimize spillage during mixing or processing.
“If you can find better ways to feed, then you’re going to up your bottom line,” said Jonathan Reser, who oversees animal care at Morales Stock Farms in Corning, Iowa. “That’s all there is to that.”
VSR single-screw vertical mixers, available in two models at Vermeer ag dealers, offer a different way to feed. The VSR440 and VSR540 both provide an efficient and versatile solution capable of processing both full bales and preprocessed material quickly and flexibly.
“On a daily basis, I can haul more material to the cows than my (horizontal) reel mixer. And as far as mixing, it does a really nice job,” said Vincent Dolch, a cattleman with a cow-calf operation in Morton Mills, Iowa. “It gets stuff to the ground real quick.”
“It’s a lot faster. It eats the hay up a lot faster. It doesn’t spill near as much out,” Reser said.
Here are their other impressions of the VSR series of Vermeer vertical mixers.

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Vertical mixer bale containment: How does it reduce spillage?
The VSR series includes a bale containment kit that minimizes spillage. A chain hay ring around the rim of the tub helps to keep more roughage in the tub of the mixer and less on the ground.
Jonathan Reser
“The chain on top is huge. That is a big, big thing. I really, really like that. Because even if you overload the wagon, it seems like it’ll hold your load to the center instead of spilling it.”
“It drops down in there, and it doesn’t puke out as much. … That screw being shorter, it sits down in there and it does get it ground up quite a little quicker.”
Vincent Dolch
“The chain that they put on the top of the tub, especially when you’re processing the bale, I think it keeps stuff inside the chamber of the mixer a lot better than if that chain was not there. And that’s a real good feature.”

Vertical mixer feed processing: How well do VSR mixers grind?
The VSR vertical mixers were created for cow-calf producers who want to maximize the value of high-roughage feed rations. VSR mixers provide fuller control over their cattle’s nutrition.
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Jonathan Reser
“Obviously, it’s easier to go out there and throw a bale of hay out and wish them well. But (is it) better? (With the VSR) I can take lesser quality hay and grind it with silage or haylage. I can add energy to it. I can force-feed mineral through it. I can build a total package, and I can actually feed less product because they’re eating all of it than if I’m feeding free choice hay or just dumping silage out there on the ground. They’re going to sort. They won’t sort this as much. They’ll eat it.”
Vincent Dolch
“The reel mixer that I own, it hasn’t got the capacity that the VSR’s got. … I’m pretty satisfied with my reel mixer, but the VSR, I like the way it handles the tub-ground hay better, because the reel mixer does not handle wet or longer stuff as well as the vertical mixer does.”
Explore entire line of Vermeer feeding solutions
Vertical mixer maintenance: Are VSR mixers easier to cleanout?
VSR vertical mixers are designed to provide premium nutrition and help save time during the cleanout process, with two points of contact and an optional high-screw rpm for quick and efficient cleanout at the end of the load.
Jonathan Reser
“It does stay clean a lot more. … For one, there’s not an area on the front of it for it to pile up. And two, it doesn’t puke out as much. The power shaft’s a little easier (to access). … The chute’s pretty easily accessible. It’s all right there. You can lay it down. You can access the wagon pretty easy.”
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